Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Dealing With Back Pain- Risks, Symptoms, Causes, And Prevention

Its estimated that back pain or sciatica affects more than 80 percent of the Americans at some point in their life. Usually, back pain can be treated conventionally, with one recommendation being a physical therapy which may help alleviate or reduce the symptoms and give back pain relief.


What are the risks of lower back pain?


The problem of low back pain is very common these days. It is seen that back pain starts in a person's early twenties and remains throughout their adulthood. Before knowing the prevention of this problem, let's understand the causes and symptoms of back problems.

Symptoms of back pain-

Symptoms of back pain can include several different types of symptoms. Symptoms can be mild and annoying that can be severe and debilitating. Back pain or lower back pain may start suddenly, or it could start slowly and get unbearable. Some of the symptoms that can be experienced are-

  • Pain in  the lower back that may include numbness or tingling (sciatica).
  • Burning pain that starts from the low back and ends on the thighs and sometimes in the feet.
  • Muscle contractions and tightness in the back, hips, and pelvis.
  • Pain that worsens after continued standing or sitting.
  • Trouble while walking, standing up straight or going from standing to sitting.

Causes of back pain- 

There are many causes of low back pain. As the human back is made up of a complex structure that includes various tendons, muscles, bones, and disks. If there is any problem with these different parts can lead to severe back pain. Some of the other causes are-

  • Lifting heavy materials manually
  • Bending the trunk to the side
  • Excessive exercise
  • Falls
  • Prolonged sitting or sitting
  • Sedentary jobs
  • Job that requires high physical work
  • Exposure to whole-body vibration
  • Excessive smoking
  • Obesity
  • Arthritis
  • Extreme tallness

Tips to prevent back pain-

  • Wear comfortable footwear, prefer low-heels as high heels are uncomfortable plus they cause back pain.
  • Don't slouch when sitting or standing.
  • At home or especially work, check the height of the workspace that must be comfortable.  
  • Warm-up properly before starting any exercise or sports (wrestling, weightlifting, jeweling throw).
  • Don't lift too heavy objects and don't twist while lifting.
  • Eat a healthy diet, stop smoking, and keep off the extra weight.

If you find your back pain too severe, consult urgent care doctors of Walk-In Clinic in NYC. They deliver an affordable and convenient urgent medical care.

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