Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Let us know how a walk in clinic helps in case of sexually transmitted infections/diseases

In a recent health seminar at our college in the New York City, we had a walk in clinic physician to talk about the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases. It is quite common for college kids to be reckless while having their share of youthful fun. This can leave them exposed to various sexually transmitted infections and diseases. The contagious nature of these infections means that they can be easily transferred from an individual to another. A Walk in Clinic NYC physician is useful as they help to perform the screening tests of various diseases.

In the section below, a walk in clinic NYC professional talks more about sexually transmitted diseases and the help rendered by them –

If an individual is sexually active, particularly with multiple sex partners, then he/she might be at a high risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections. These infections can be of various types such as bacteria, fungal, viral, parasitic and protozoan. These infections are mostly spread through mucous membrane of the vulva, urinary tract, rectum and the penis. Risk of transmission of most of these diseases is involved in sexual activities where the bodily fluids of a person are involved.

The staffs of walk in clinics not only provide screening of these diseases but also provide advice for protection against such diseases. Those going to these clinics are educated on how to avoid being infected with sexually transmitted diseases. Screening tests are generally conducted for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Trichomoniasis, Syphilis, Cancroid, Bacterial Vaginosis, Mycoplasma Genetilia, Herpes test, Hepatitis test, HPV, HIV, Molluscum Contagiosum, Pubic lice and Scabies test. Most walk in clinics performs tests for any of these STD’s with their screening services under preventive care.

It is quite natural for an individual to question how these walk in clinics are better than other types of medical facilities when it comes to preventive screenings. A Walk in Clinic NYC physician provides emergency medical care for a range of illnesses along with preventive care. They also provide reasonable services as compared to other medical facilities. There are no prior appointments required for these clinics that have extensive hours of operating. The licensed and certified medical staff at these clinics is helpful and well trained to cope with any medical emergencies. These clinics also provide referrals to specialist in case the treatment requires. Hence, a walk in clinic is ideal for college students who are looking to be screened for various sexual diseases.

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