Monday, March 31, 2014

Found tick attached to your skin! Do you know which tick bite it is?

Have you found tick attached to your skin? Do not panic! Carefully remove it with tweezers or a commercial tick removal tool and put it in a container. Wondering why? Well, to know, which tick bite disease it is and seek for relevant medical help in order to get cure.

Tick bite cause a number of diseases that include Lyme disease, rocky mountain spotted fever, Colorado tick fever, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis and tick paralysis.
  • Lyme disease: This disease is primarily caused by deer ticks. This disease is communicable, as it is transferable first by white-footed mice to ticks and later to humans. If tick gets attached to the human for thirty-six to forty-eight hours, it leads to Lyme disease. To judge its symptoms at early stage, one will feel rashes, fever, fatigue, headache, stiff neck, facial palsy, joint pains and numbness. To judge symptoms at late-stage, one will feel arthritis, numbness, temporary memory loss, confusion and lack of concentration.
  • Ehrlichiosis: This is transmitted by the Lone Star tick, which if occur causes symptoms that include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, and vomiting. Sometimes rashes may also appear.
  • Babesiosis: Out of all deer ticks, this is most fatal one. It is generally transmitted by the deer tick, which causes fatigue, discomfort, fever, headache, and muscle pain.
  • Rocky Mountain: This disease is not caused by deer tick, but by its species. Rashes, high fever, and flu are its few symptoms. Likewise, babesiosis is fatal disease, this health problem also cause death.
  • Colorado tick fever: This is another type of deer tick, which is primarily caused by the Rocky Mountain wood tick. Same symptoms are bound to occur in this disease, which were found in Rocky mountain disease that includes rashes, high fever and flu.
  • Tick paralysis: Likewise, Rickey mountain disease is caused by few species of deer tick, this disease is also caused by the few species. Early signs to detect this issue are fatigue and numbness. It can lead to convulsions and facial paralysis. If in case not treated at time, it can even cause death.
Walk in clinic specialists say that these all aforementioned diseases are caused when people visit tick-prone areas like mowing lawn grass, pet’s habitat area, environments where with tick-killing pesticide is put, area where leaves and bushes are all around.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Is ‘convenience’ the right word to describe urgent care clinics?

Unfortunately, at times when we fall sick we do not get convenience of finding an immediate medical care. A prominent reason behind this is busy working hours of doctors or other staff members in hospitals, which concentrate more on life threatening patients.

This calls for an alternate like family practitioner. However, question arises that what should be done when they are not in the town?

Wait in long queues of ER or rush to some other hospital, where again patient might face the same situation like previous one.

Sometimes things are so worsened that patient or family member might end up paying more than the actual price of treatment. Hence, visiting ER ends up being a costly affair, especially, if one does not have insurance.

Luckily, there is another better option than visiting ER. However, they do not treat life-threatening medical emergencies, but still it is the best alternative for non-life threatening patients who require immediate medical care.

Be it allergic reaction, severe sinus infection, cold, joint pain, wart treatment, abscess drainage, deer tick bite, asthma or any other non-life threatening medical problem, urgent care clinic is one stop best option. In regard to this, necessary medications would be provided by the specialized doctors of clinics.

Besides treating medical problems, these clinics are also best for conducting x-rays, pre-operative evaluations/clearance, STD screening, diabetes screening, high blood pressure screening, annual exams or any other lab tests for that matter.

Considering all the above points regarding walk in clinics, it’s quite clear that these are bliss for patients who suffer from non-life threatening conditions. No doubt, the quality of service delivered in the both medical care centers is the same, but difference lies in the factor of convenience. Immediate medical care attention is provided in urgent clinics as compared to ER. Moreover, difference also lies in the factors of cost and time consumption (because ER costs high for basic checkups and consumes more time, as they treat patients on the basis of triage).

Moreover, you need not specifically visit walk in clinics at time of need, you can also visit these centers for basic regular checkups, as well.

Therefore, before you rush to ER, carefully review the symptoms of illness and based on that go for the health care center (if suffering from fever visit urgent clinics and if suffering from life threatening conditions like cancer then go for ER).

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Love playing in rain? Be cautious of Pneumonia!

Get inside before you catch pneumonia!” –This what our mom says when we are out in rain.
Playing in rain is great fun, but it can cause pneumonia, which refers to an infection in the lungs. Caused by a variety of microorganisms, like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, this illness may not seem to be harmful, but can prove to be life threatening sometimes.
However, the cause behind pneumonia cannot necessarily occur because of the aforementioned microorganisms only. In some cases, it can be caused because of viruses that include adenoviruses, rhinovirus, parainfluenza virus (which cause croup), influenza virus (flu) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Pneumonia often begins after 2 or 3 days of a cold or sore throat. It usually affects the upper respiratory system of body. Common signs and symptoms of pneumonia as described by  doctors of urgent care clinic includes: fever, chills, cough, nasal congestion, unusual rapid breathing, breathing with grunting, wheezing sounds, nasal flaring, vomiting, chest pain, abdominal pain, decreased activity, loss of appetite, dehydration and gray color of the lips and fingernails.
Different people have different signs or symptoms of pneumonia. For example: someone with pneumonia in the lower part of the lungs near the abdomen might face fever, abdominal pain and vomiting but no breathing issues. While kids with pneumonia will fall sick, and might face onset of a high fever and unusual rapid breathing.
As compared to elders, kids are more prone to Pneumonia. Moreover, one cannot easily judge whether they are suffering from this illness or not because symptoms are rarely seen in kids. Majority of the time, kids are wheezing, if they come in contact with Pneumonia.
As discussed above people of different age group will have different symptoms of Pneumonia; therefore, clues behind the illness are also different in every case. For example, in older kids and adolescents, pneumonia can be caused due to Mycoplasma, which is also referred as walking pneumonia. This virus causes sore throat, headache and rashes which are the usual symptoms of pneumonia found in majority of people, if came in contact with this illness.
Therefore, a sincere advice to all people is that one must stay cautious about pneumonia, if wanting to enjoy rain as well. After having fun, one must definitely keep a regular check on their health, if any symptom of minor body ache also happens to occurs then one must immediately contact the specialized doctor.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sore throat is a bigger problem than it is considered

Symptoms of sore throat:

Sore throat is a non-serious health illness that come with discomfort, pain, or feeling of irritation in throat area. This situation becomes worst when swelling occurs to that level that patient feels difficulty in eating and consuming liquids.

Symptoms of this illness vary depending upon the cause. The most common warning signs of this illness include discomfort, scratchiness, or pain in throat, swollen lymph nodes (glands) in the neck, sensation of dry throat, vomiting, or headache lead to this illness, white patches or pus in throat area etc.


Common causes of this illness are bacterial infection, viral infection, toxins, and trauma. The less common cause of this non-serious health illness is bacterial infection that leads to tonsillitis, retropharyngeal, diphtheria, and sexually transmitted diseases (STD's). Besides, air pollution, noxious airborne chemicals, and use of cigarette also causes this illness. Medical conditions like sinus drainage, cough, and allergies lead to this health issue.
Other causes for this problem are chemical irritation due to tear gas, infectious mononucleosis, mouth cancer, larynx cancer, and Sjogren’s syndrome.


Depending upon the severity of this illness, urgent care physicians plan treatment accordingly. Some home based remedies to address sore throat include gargles with warm salty water, hard candies, use of herbal teas, sprays etc.
Use of Antipiretic drugs like Acetaminophen or ibuprofen, greatly contribute to give relief from pain. Use of humidifier is effective to get relief from sore throat symptoms.


To prevent such illness, it is better to avoid close contact with people that are suffering from same health issue. Avoid sharing drinks and eatables with ill people.

In today’s busy lifestyle, walk in clinics are the most sought after medical places for treatment of minor illness. Main reason behind their increasing popularity is that people get quick medical assistance at affordable costs. Unlike emergency rooms, a patient with non-serious emergency can get attention of urgent care doctors without any prior appointment.

Emergence of walk in health facilities has eliminated the need of waiting in long queues, just to get treatment for their non-life-threatening illnesses. These clinics provide excellent care for illnesses like sore throat, allergic reaction, urinary tract infection, ear blockage, pain in ear, pain in joints, minor burns, foreign body removal, nasal congestion, and more.